Sunday, June 19, 2011

Message #109 - The Key... Part 2.

"Adopting an acquired pattern of behavior and thought that becomes almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition". If you read my last post you probably are again wondering "what the heck is he talking about?".... This is a definition of what is absolutely essential to achieving success. It goes "hand in hand" with my previous post on FOCUS. Read on.....

If Focusing helps you see and clearly visualize the goal... Then what Stops the Distractions from Robbing you of your focus. I believe that life's Distractions rob us of our focus. In fact I believe that's the #1 cause of failure... DISTRACTIONS.

We all have a certain amount of focus, but what I've seen in myself and other accomplished people is an unwavering ability to "stay in the zone" and block out distractions.

The greater your ability to block out any and all distractions... the greater your potential for Success!

So then... How do we block any and all Distractions? ... We must develop the essence of the quote above in red. The above quote in red is a definition of the word HABIT.

I believe before you can have FOCUS (and later success) you must have first created a consistent and distraction free environment through developing and "Adopting an acquired pattern of behavior and thought that becomes almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition". This behavior becomes a part of your focus.

When I was at my best as a wrestler... I simply could not be DISTRACTED. The behavior that I adopted assured me of "NO DISTRACTIONS". As a result I wasn't attached (or attracted) to anything that I could not immediately give up (indefinitely if I had to) that distracted me from my goal. The only way to do this on a consistent basis is to develop and "Adopting an acquired pattern of behavior and thought that becomes almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition"or simply stated develop a HABIT that insures you can stay focused on your goal.

I steered clear of negative people... negative thoughts... negative food... etc., and as a force of habit surrounded myself with positive people... positive thoughts... positive food etc. PEOPLE, THOUGHTS and FOOD I could control... and I did. I left out working hard for a reason... Most everybody that's serious about success Works Hard! It's not about Working Hard. It's all about STAYING FOCUSED!

How do yo stay Focused? Develop Healthy Attitudes that Bring Impact Today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're spot on. Focus was my formula for success on the mat and in life as a lawyer and as a father.
