Monday, October 1, 2007

Message #21 - Opposition and Hardships

Character Determines What You Will Choose, Where You Will Go, What You Will Do, When You Will Quit, What You Will Say, When You Will Compromise, How You Will Live and Ultimately What You Will Achieve.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". - Martin Luther King, Jr.

This quote by Martin Luther King, Jr., symbolizes what the true measure of a person is. IT IS WHERE THEY STAND WHEN THINGS GET HARD; WHEN THINGS AREN'T SAFE; WHEN THINGS AREN'T CONVENIENT; WHEN THINGS ARE DIFFICULT.

And so it is with anything you want to do or accomplish in life. If you want prepared to fight for it. They don't sell GOLD MEDALS or PURPLE HEARTS at the department store. You won't find them at garage sells either. You'll find them buried deep within the souls of men and women passionate with successfully accomplishing their mission.

Once you set out on your mission, there's no turning back. You can't look back...only forward. Even when you stumble, you must stumble forward. Great accomplishment is only attained by overcoming obstacles. THE GREATER THE OBSTACLE...THE GREATER THE ACCOMPLISHMENT.

The following quote below hung in our wrestling room and I looked at it every day. I made sure I challenged and tested myself every day by somehow making every practice harder than the day before (these were the obstacles), and by conquering them I felt my confidence growing stronger, until I believed there was no obstacle I couldn't overcome.

"You can measure a man by the opposition it takes to discourage him". - Robert C. Savage

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